walker at windebensee

Hiking in carinthia

Hiking in Carinthia’s Nockberge

Walks, pasture hikes, round trails and summit tours for all ages

The 34 km Nockalm Road between Innerkrems and Ebene Reichenau gives you access to one of Carinthia’s most multifaceted hiking areas. Hiking in the Nockberge is fun for all mountain aficionados as the wide range of hiking tours guarantees that there is something for everyone – young and old, athletic or rather relaxed. Unhurried pasture walks, summit tours with grand views, exciting educational trails and mystic adventure paths are just as much part of the hiking programme as the explorative tours with a Biosphere Reserve ranger. Those who like can even travel without their car as the hiking bus takes all mountain enthusiasts to the starting point of the most beautiful hiking tours in Carinthia during the summer months.
 family at a break